Many people suffer from addiction, whether it is an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Successfully completing an addiction recovery program is very important, but it is important to realize that it is just the first step on the road to recovery. Going through a rehab program will not magically change you and permanently remove your cravings for drugs or alcohol. Thus, after finishing a rehab program, you need to be prepared to navigate your addiction recovery while living your day to day life. Part of this involves dealing with triggers that may push you towards relapse. Use the following tips to help you manage triggers while recovering from an addiction:

Take the Time to Identify Your Triggers

In order to properly manage your triggers while recovering from addiction, you need to know exactly what they are. Some people may be triggered when at parties or bars where alcohol is being served and consumed. Others may be triggered and have cravings for their drug of choice after an especially stressful day. While it can be painful to relive the times when you were abusing drugs or alcohol, thinking about your triggers and writing them down can be very helpful during your recovery.

Develop a Plan

If you want to avoid relapsing, you need to have a plan for dealing with triggers in your life. For example, if you are recovering from an addiction to alcohol, you may need to abstain from joining co-workers for happy hour or going to parties with your friends. Likewise, if stress is a major trigger that has led to you using drugs or alcohol in the past, you may need to develop new coping mechanisms to relax and unwind when you feel stressed out. Having a plan in place will help you know how to react if you encounter a trigger or have a craving to use drugs or alcohol.

Build a Support System

Recovering from addiction is extremely hard, and you will most likely do much better if you have the support of friends and family. Don't try to deal with your road to recovery on your own-- your loved ones can make a big difference. If you are having a difficult time with triggers and coping with day to day life after you complete a rehab program, make it a point to contact a trusted friend or family member. Knowing that you have someone to turn to can help prevent a relapse. 
