Alcohol is a substance that is readily available to all adults. It is not illegal for adults to buy and consume alcohol, making it one of the easiest substances to abuse. An alcohol addiction can take a toll on a person's ability to live a responsible life and put his or her health at risk.

No alcohol addict should stop drinking without the help of a treatment center. Alcohol withdrawal can be deadly if not treated appropriately, and addiction centers have the knowledge and experience needed to safely guide an alcoholic through the detox process.

Early Symptoms of Withdrawal

An alcoholic can experience the negative effects of withdrawal within a few hours of consuming their last alcoholic beverage. This is especially true of chronic drinkers who consume alcohol on a regular basis.

The early warning symptoms of withdrawal can be relatively easy to cope with, so many people don't think they need the help of a treatment center during this stage of withdrawal. It's common to experience a headache, nausea, lack of appetite, and increased anxiety during the early stages of withdrawal. Some addicts may also exhibit signs of mood swings.

Intermediary Withdrawal Symptoms

The longer a chronic drinker goes without consuming alcohol, the more intense their withdrawal symptoms will become. Insomnia, sweating, and increased blood pressure are all common symptoms that set in within a few days of eliminating alcohol from one's diet.

A treatment center has the ability to provide medications that can reduce discomfort during this period of withdrawal and help give an addict the tools needed to resist alcohol consumption when affected by intermediary withdrawal symptoms.

Life-Threatening Withdrawal Symptoms

It is possible for alcohol withdrawal to be life-threatening. Severe addicts are at risk of suffering from a serious set of withdrawal symptoms that professionals call delirium tremens. Without proper medical support, delirium tremens could result in death. High fevers, an irregular heartbeat, and severe confusion are common symptoms associated with delirium tremens. An alcoholic could also suffer from hallucinations during severe withdrawal, putting themselves and others at risk.

The medical staff at a drug and alcohol treatment center are able to administer medical support as needed to ensure an alcoholic safely endures delirium tremens and goes on to receive the cognitive and behavioral therapy needed to stop drinking alcohol in the future.

Don't let the seemingly innocuous nature of alcohol fool you into thinking you don't need help quitting. You can avoid the dangers of withdrawal by going through detox in a treatment center, such as the Better Tomorrow Treatment Center.
