While many types of facial reconstructive procedures are performed solely for cosmetic reasons or aesthetics, there are a number of these types of procedures that also serve to alleviate the symptoms of certain medical disorders. After a complete examination by your surgeon, you will be able to determine which procedure is right for you or your child. Here are some reconstructive surgery options to consider if you or your child has one of the following disorders.

Deviated Septum

A deviated septum refers to the misalignment of the septum in your nose. The septum is the structure inside your nose that divides your nasal cavity equally in half. A deviated septum is often caused by an injury, however, it can be present at birth.

If you break your nose or sustain another type of traumatic injury to your nose or face, your septum may become deviated. Not only can this cause breathing problems and an increased risk for sinus infections, but it can also alter the appearance of your nose. A deviated septum can make your nose look off-center or crooked, larger than it normally is, and it can also alter the appearance of your nostrils. Facial reconstruction procedures such as rhinoplasty can repair your deviated septum while correcting the shape of your nose.

Cleft Lip

A cleft lip makes the upper lip look as though it has been split. It is often accompanied by a cleft palate, which refers to an opening in the roof of the mouth. A cleft palate occurs when the structures of the roof of the mouth fail to close when the baby is in the womb.

A cleft lip in babies can cause problems with feeding, excessive drooling, a higher risk for ear infections, dental problems, and hearing deficits. If not repaired with facial reconstructive surgery, your child may experience self-esteem problems when he or she gets older.

Cleft lip surgery is often performed within a few months of birth to up to a year after birth. Once the split in the lip has been repaired with reconstructive surgery, your child's feeding problems, choking risk, and ear problems will also resolve. The surgical scar will fade as time goes by, and eventually, it will be almost unnoticeable.

If you want to learn more about facial reconstructive surgery, make an appointment with a reconstructive surgeon. If you want more information on surgical treatment options for your child's cleft palate or cleft lip, the pediatrician can refer your child to a pediatric reconstructive or plastic surgeon. 
