Sleep apnea is typically associated with one of its most frustrating symptoms. Although many people first begin to suspect that they have sleep apnea when someone complains about their snoring, you might have no idea what is happening if you live alone. Asking yourself these five questions helps you determine if you might be able to benefit from sleep apnea treatment.
Are You Tired Even After Sleeping All Night?
Next to snoring, this is another telltale symptom of sleep apnea. The brief episodes where you stop breathing deprive your body of the ability to get enough rest. People with sleep apnea tend to wake up multiple times throughout the night, but these moments are so brief that they are often forgotten. Treatments for sleep apnea bolster your breathing so that you wake up feeling great.
Do You Have Attention or Memory Problems?
Fatigue also affects your ability to think on your feet. A lack of good sleep may hinder your productivity, and you might notice that you have trouble focusing or remembering important information. Once you begin treatment for your sleep apnea, your body will be better able to get the right levels of oxygen to your brain for you to think more clearly.
Does Your Throat Hurt In the Morning?
You might not be able to hear yourself snore, but you may feel the effects in the morning. Waking up with a sore throat is a sign that you've been working your vocal cords without knowing it. Snoring treatment allows your throat to rest so that you no longer have to deal with soreness.
Do You Have Problems With a Dry Mouth?
Snoring and sleep apnea occur when you sleep with your mouth wide open and in a position that allows your airways to close. This position dries up the saliva in your mouth, and gasping for air only makes the issue worse. Sleep apnea treatments include a mouthpiece that helps to keep your mouth moist.
Do You Wake Up Gasping or Choking?
At times, your body may sense that you are not getting enough air. When this happens, you may wake up instantly with the feeling that you are unable to breathe. Some people may also wake up thinking that they are thirsty or need to use the restroom. Waking up in an uncomfortable state of mind is a clue that something is wrong. Getting treatment for your snoring helps you to stop these middle-of-the-night wake-up sessions so that you feel safer as you sleep.
For more information, talk to your doctor about sleep apnea therapy treatment options.