If you suffer from joint pain or other similar issues, then you might be thinking about scheduling an appointment with a rheumatologist. This might be something that was recommended by your primary care physician, or you might have come up with the idea when doing your own research and looking for answers about your pain. Although you might not know what to expect when seeing a rheumatologist, doing these three things will help you have a successful appointment.
1. Provide All of Your Medical Records
Although you might have never seen a rheumatologist before, you have likely sought medical attention from other healthcare providers. Talk to your primary care doctor and any of your other healthcare providers about providing your medical records and information to your rheumatologist. It is important for your rheumatologist to have as much information as possible about any medical conditions that you suffer from, any treatment options that you might have tried for your joint pain or other issues, and more. Additionally, looking at your medical records can give your rheumatologist a better picture of things like your family medical history.
2. Provide as Much Information as Possible
In addition to providing your medical records, you should also make sure that you provide your rheumatologist with as much of your own information as possible. Try to describe the type of pain that you suffer from, for example, and provide information about things that trigger your pain. By having all of this information, your rheumatologist will have more information to work with to try to determine the causes and the best solutions for your pain.
3. Be Open-Minded About Treatment Options
It can be difficult to have a positive mindset when you suffer from constant joint pain. You might have already tried some treatment options without good results, or you might have an idea in mind of the type of medication that you want to take or the type of treatment that you want to look into. However, it is important to be open-minded, since your rheumatologist might have good options for treating your pain. For example, although you might think that a pain medication will be your best option, your doctor could suggest things like putting ice on the affected area, changing your diet, or taking natural supplements. Be prepared to try the options that your doctor has in mind, and you might be surprised by the help that you can get with your pain.