Have you ever wondered if your Telehealth appointment over an app or program is HIPAA compliant? HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is basically an act that states that all physicians are required to protect the personal information of their patients. This law is the reason that you do not hear physicians bragging about who they have treated or the exact information about their last patient who is struggling. HIPAA allows you, as an American, to have your health information protected. 

In the world today, there is an increasing number of physicians who are choosing to use telehealth services. This protects the patients from having to drive all the way to the office and expose themselves to the germs of others. If you have never had a telehealth appointment, you may feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking to your doctor out in the open of your home. You may wonder where your doctor is and who is around them. Fortunately, your privacy is important to physicians, and there are many steps they have had to jump through in order to have HIPAA-compliant video. A few of these protective layers are as follows.

Securing a Network

Many physicians today are installing VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) that allow them to encrypt and protect your information. With a private network, people who do not have a password cannot access any information, thus protecting patients from having their information hacked. 

Authentification Procedures

There are many ways to restrict access to information, including external and internal passwords. Most medical offices require that computer screens be locked at all times, but many are now requiring passwords to gain access to patients' information instead of just requiring a computer password. This adds an extra layer of protection to your health information. 

Daily Reports on Usage

Another benefit of using a VPN is that physicians or office managers will have a complete account of who has accessed patient information throughout the day. They will be able to see who has logged on, what documents they edited, and when this occurred. Should someone be able to breach the system, those reviewing the day's access reports will be able to spot the breach quickly, along with details on what could have been accessed. 

In conclusion, doctors who offer telehealth appointments are doing all that they can to ensure that their patient's information is safe and within the right hands. If you are wondering about your specific office's procedures, you can ask your physician about their protective layers. 

To learn more, contact a resource that offers HIPAA-compliant video services.
